Welcome to MeadowVale Poultry
Meadowvale Farm, Billingshurst, West Sussex.
Open daily by appointment.
Pure Breeds
A light breed with a lively nature, and a prolific layer of good size pure white eggs.
Pure Breeds
A large bird with a friendly docile nature will lay a good size tinted egg
Pure Breeds
Available early summer
Pure Breeds
A friendly hen with striking gold laced plumage a good layer of mid brown eggs.
Pure Breeds
A friendly little bantam will feathered legs makes them less destructive on the garden. Quite a good layer of small tinted eggs.
Pure Breeds
A very small bantam ideal where space is limited, hens are very friendly and will lay plenty of small white eggs in spring and summer.
Pure Breeds
very small friendly bird ideal for smaller gardens
Pure Breeds
Sebrights are a very small bantam so ideal to keep where space is limited, A friendly little hen that will lay a decent amount of small white eggs.
Pure Breeds
A very friendly compact little hen and an excellent layer of medium sized tinted eggs, if you want eggs but have not got the space for hybrids then the barred rock is an ideal choice
Pure Breeds
A very friendly little hen and good layers of tinted eggs they layer a decent size egg too for a bantam.
Pure Breeds
Cream legbars are an auto sexing bird and lay lovely sky blue eggs. She has quite a scatty nature a will add character to any flock
Pure Breeds
A very friendly docile bird that loves to roam, our utility light Sussex are excellent layers of a good size light brown egg.A very friendly bird that loves to roam, our utility light Sussex are an excellent layer of a good size light brown egg, combining looks with laying performance
Pure Breeds
The araucana is a very old breed and 100 percent pure for the blue egg gene, she has a very placid nature and a prolific layer of a good size blue green egg.
Available now
Day old female chicks available in two weeks.
About Us
Both Ryan and Janette have a wealth of knowledge and over 30 years of hands on experience on chickens and their care. We offer advise on all aspect of keeping chickens, from new poultry keepers to smallholders ordering larger numbers of birds. Our help and advise is offered freely to all . We have lots of new plans so please check back soon to see what we are up to
We regard ourselves as one of the premier suppliers of live fowl and poultry in the South East. With over 30 years of experience to ensure that we supply happy and health birds to all our customers.